Game Proposal from Bill and Jonathan

What other information would help you consider this proposal? This is a work in progress and will be revised unexpectedly and often.


As our problems grow in number or difficulty, we need lots of thinkers, of widely varying backgrounds, with lots of energy eager to solve wicked problems. To perform well at this, these people need to master thinking and collaboration skills.


The meta project administers problems and funds. Lots of thinking and decisions are made by lots of people. Profit pays for all of this.


Whenever demands on administration go up beyond existing ability to deal, new people are found and vetted and paid for.


Let's attract huge numbers of widely diverse people to play a game in which they think about and solve our problems, at reasonable low cost. A game composed of competing crowd-sourced think tanks and classrooms for skills needed. It gives us onboarding, observing and experimentation with processes, data about healthy human activity, learning best practices without erecting all the attendant real world infrastructure and acceptance. We will welcome input from players on improving the game.


Development expenses include engineering and infrastructure, covering a period of time that depends on agreements about design details. Ongoing operational expenses are partly covered by voluntary donations from sources who like the idea.


The game attracts players by promising fun quests, cash prizes, skills training in a friendly, helpful setting, within a beautiful grand vision of all of us building a better world for all of us. Play is free.

It's a proving ground for massively crowd sourcing intelligence and solutions to big problems. It promotes the idea that normal people can do this.

The more it solves hard problems, the more it will attract problems, players and donations. Could it become one of the simple methods of funding the Meta Project?


New players need to start out easy. With simple personal quests.

Quests will be about logic, conversational literacy, engagement with new concepts, articulating ideas, proposing hypotheticals, course work, empathy and relationships. Eventually a player gets a quest to find a buddy, or to join a team (aka a pod or sovereign or guild).

These quests can be submitted from anywhere in the real world. Quests can be thought up and proposed by other game players. Quests can be about reliability, profitability, mentoring, game design, wicked issues.

Some players will be good at assigning or assisting with quests. We ought to detect them early and often and encourage them to take on a mentor or advocate role. The game will make them easy to find.


Teams will take on quests to solve problems and resolve issues. If a team succeeds in presenting a winning solution, they win a prize. Sometimes a donated cash prize.

Each presented solution is reviewed by the problem submitter. They determine which team has offered the best solution. A specified portion of the donation is then given to the winning team.

Some winning teams can be invited to join the Meta Project directly, transferred out from within the context of the game.


Teams are also known as guilds. In addition to taking action, guilds can choose to self govern, state a responsibility, and provide training. If they choose not to, they can rely on the game to supply these capabilities in an unspecialized form.